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Богослужење недељом
у 10 часова

Divine Liturgy 
Sundays at 10 am

Located in Irving, Texas, our church is a parish of The Midwest Diocese of The Serbian Orthodox Church, under the spiritual leadership of Bishop Longin, New Gracanica Midwestern America. Our Parish was founded in May 4, 1999 by our ancestors who immigrated from the Balkans and settled in Texas.


The Divine Services are in Serbian, English and Church-Slavonic.

Over the century, thousands of people have called Three Heirarchs Parish their home. Maybe this parish is the kind of spiritual home you have been searching for as well – please come and see, we would love to have you pray with us.

Support Our Parish


The opportunity for making secure online donations is now available. Giving online is easy, safe, and conveniently allows you to make a donation to be automatically debited from your checking or credit card or PayPal account. As you know, your Holy Three Hierarchs church depends on your donations. We kindly ask you, if you are able to do continue to support us. 

Thank you for your generous support of the Holy Three Hierarchs Serbian Orthodox Church! 

Драга браћо и сестре, обавештавамо вас о онлајн могућности уплате прилога преко црквеног PayPal рачуна. Ова врста уплате је сигурна, лака и вама прилагодљива. Као што знате ваша црква Света Три Јерарха се издржава од ваших добровољних прилога и уплата парохијала, и  апелујемо на све вас, да ако сте у могућности, помогнете цркву. Унапред се захваљујемо свима вама и нека вам Бог узврати својим благодатним даровима.

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Weekly Calendar

Saturday, April 16, 2023 The Resurrection of our Lord PASCHA Divine Liturgy 10 AM CHRIST IS RISEN! Христос васкрсе!

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